• Breaking News

    Chat Bin (Recover deleted chat) WhatsApp

    Send message without saving the number

    No need to save temporary contacts just for sending a text.

    Save your Last seen for later
    Do not want to appear online? open Chat Bin and read all the messages.

    Found one emergency in the message? No worries, we will redirect to chat for the reply.

    If you want an urgent call. Do not need to go to contacts, you can call the person from the same screen.

    Deleted messages are history

    Someone deleted a message before you could see? just copy a message above or below and check.
    Else you can always open chat bin.

    Get Notified from us
    We will notify you once in a while to read messages offline.

    -After Installing, please provide Chat bin every permission and access. We will only ask what is needed.

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